Monday, February 09, 2009

Appreciating Differences

A Rose Among the Marigolds ©2007 Terry Gorley

Last evening, I had the privilege of attending the Rankin Family Concert. It was a wonderful 2 1/2 hours of toe tapping, heartwarming down to earth music.

I was seated next to a physically handicapped young lady, who was an obvious huge fan of the Rankins. She clapped loudly and swayed to the music throughout the performance. What I noticed was that she didn't clap in time to the music. She had absolutely no sense of rhythm, but it didn't stop her from allowing the magic of the moment and the music to come to her and touch her heart. I'm sure it will be an evening she will never forget.

What it reminds me is that we all hear the music in different ways. We all dance to a different beat whether its to music or Life in general. Its what makes us unique. Its what makes us Human Beings.
Today, I will leave you with these thoughts:

I am a unique individual.
I will take a moment to appreciate my uniqueness.
I will take a moment to appreciate the uniqueness of others.
I appreciate who I am and I appreciate others for who they are.
When I show Appreciation and Gratitude
for myself and others
the world
becomes a beautiful, peaceful place to dwell.
Terry Gorley~

~ ~ ~

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