Thursday, February 19, 2009


Robin in Early Spring ©2008 Terry Gorley


A fantasy of frivolous thinking,
Fragmented thoughts
Inspired by imprinted pictures;
Clear as the bluest sky,
Cloudy as an English day,
Obscure in their reality;
A mirage
To contemplate,
To complicate,
To corner a feeling,
To drown in
Or a simple place to hide ...
To seek ... to find ... to understand
Terry Gorley~
Life is a JourneyAs we know Life is a journey. We also know it has it's peaks and valleys with mystery around each corner. We all have hopes, needs and desires. We all have our share of happiness and heartache. We have our losses and our gains.

My Life has been about finding myself. I believe ultimately, that is what all of us are looking for. We know true happiness comes from within and I believe once you find yourself ... your true purpose in Life ... happiness follows.

Where you are in Life often has to do with age. The older you get the more peaks you will have climbed and descended. The more corners you will have navigated. You may find yourself going in one direction then another. You don't know why and you don't know where you will end up. Wherever it is that is your Destiny.

You have choices ... you make mistakes ... there are consequences ... that is Life.

You are here to learn ... grow ... live and die ... that is Life. Living Life to the best of your ability ... doing whatever it is that brings you to your place of Peace & Tranquility ... where you know without a doubt this is YOU ... this is your place ... your Destiny ... your Life!
~Terry Gorley~
~ ~ ~

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