Watchful Magpie ©2008 Terry Gorley
I've chosen this Magpie for my photo because being a scavenger, it represents the preconceived notions of what is acceptable in society. When you look beyond to see the beauty ... that is Love!
I've chosen this Magpie for my photo because being a scavenger, it represents the preconceived notions of what is acceptable in society. When you look beyond to see the beauty ... that is Love!
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day ... a day, thanks to Cupid for love and romance. We most often think of chocolate, flowers and hearts. I'm thinking about candles.
Candles are a symbol of Enlightment. How do you view love? Do you give it unconditionally? Do you accept love without question?
What about Love in the grander scheme of things? World Peace & Love. The acceptance of others ... regardless of Gender, Ethnicity, Country of Origin, Religion, Age, Spirituality, or Social Status
What about Justice & Freedom as written and proposed by Raphael Louis?
Global peace shall come not as a wave of light but as a singular candle flickering and holding off the night of violence. As more households are joined in the effort other homes will also have a candle flickering in their windows. One candle cannot defeat the darkness. Many candles can. Let the candle be our symbol. Let its light illuminate humanity in time.
~Mr Prophet~Mr Prophet Quotes
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
~James Keller~James Keller Quotes
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